2012 West Event 4, Wirral Sailing Centre, 15 Sep 2012 - 15 Sep 2012

Welcome to event 4 in the West
and great to hear you're interested in participating in your Team15 inter-club zone series

You're in the right place to find out all the necessary information: as well as reading important documents before the event such as the 'sailing instructions', you can also enter online and find out who has already successfully registered for this event - both in your own team and in other teams in your zone.

All photos (except ‘Gallery’ images) © Paul Wyeth/ RYA

Notice of Race

For those new to Team15 inter-club, the Notice of Race (or NoR as you will often see it abbreviated) is an important document which you should read before you register for an event. It gives you the outline information for the event and let's you know whether you are eligible to enter, what classes you can enter, etc. Anything you don't understand in the NoR, ask your Team15 Coach to explain. See 'documents' for a download.  

Keeping the Team15 Spirit

Our aim is for everyone to enjoy themselves at a Team15 event. Whether this is your very first event or you are an inter-club regular, by keeping the Team15 spirit in mind, we know you will all have fun. The Team15 spirit is basically fair sportsmanship, which we expect everyone to uphold. There is a 'fair sporsmanship' document that we would like everyone to read before the event - competitors, coaches, team managers, parents - everyone! See 'documents' for a download. 

How Can I Get Involved?

If you are a new Team15 club or have never taken part in the Team15 inter-club challenges before, we recommend that you encourage at least a couple of other sailors in your Team15 club to give it a go too. Getting a small team together will be a lot more fun, plus you can also support and encourage one another at the event. [click 'more' above photo] 

How to Enter

If you have registered online successfully, your name will appear in the 'entries' tab above. Make sure you are viewing entries for the correct event (the event details appear at the top of this website page). For payment details, and for those new to the SailRacer online booking system, please read on... [click 'more' above photo]  

Sailing Instructions

For those new to Team15 inter-club, the Sailing Instructions (or SIs as you will often see it abbreviated) is an important document which you should read before the event, and take a copy with you. It complements the Notice of Race (NoR) and provides guidance about the day's event and the Team15 inter-club series, including how your team can qualify for the Team15 Champions Cup. Anything you don't understand in the SIs, ask your Team15 Coach to explain. See 'documents' for a download.  

On Arrival at the Event

Having registered online successfully, we need to make sure that all the information you told us about is correct. To do this you must go straight to the event registration desk on arrival at the event. For those sailors who didn't manage to register online before the deadline (Tuesday evening before the event) you will also need to attend registration on arrival at the event. To find out what to bring to registration and what is involved, [click 'more' above the photo]  

Volunteers Needed

We are always in need of volunteers at the Team15 inter-club events - and if you can do the same role for all four events, then that is even better since you'll get to know what the role entails. Parents, older siblings and spare coaches from Team15 clubs can all apply! Please liaise with the T15 CO for your zone; see 'contacts' for details. 

Practice Makes Perfect

As well as participating in the Team15 inter-club events, if you enjoy fun racing then there are a few events coming up which will help you improve your skill levels; these are in addition to attending your regular Team15 club sessions. To find out what's coming up in the next few months which you should consider going to [click 'more' above the photo] 

Club Details


Manage your entry

Sign in to manage your entry details.

NB You will only be able to update your entry until the closing date