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Results for Chris JENNINGS

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
No Selection February,2014 Chris JENNINGS 99 835 GJW Direct SailJuice Winter Series Overall View
Handicap February,2014 Chris JENNINGS 74 165 Tiger Trophy - GJW Direct SailJuice Winter Series View
Handicap January,2015 Chris JENNINGS 70 235 Bloody Mary View
Handicap December,2018 Chris JENNINGS 70 82 Datchet Flyer View
Handicap January,2015 Chris JENNINGS 30 161 Oxford Blue View
MERLIN-ROCKET July,2014 Chris Jennings 30 35 Merlin Rocket Open View
Handicap February,2013 Chris JENNINGS 30 208 Rutland Challenge for the John Merricks Tiger Trophy View
MERLIN-ROCKET April,2012 Chris Jennings 26 38 Craftinsure Merlin Rocket Silver Tiller View
MERLIN-ROCKET June,2015 Chris Jennings 20 35 Merlin Open View
Handicap December,2018 Chris JENNINGS 20 86 Grafham GP, Slow - @SeldenMasts View
Handicap December,2012 Chris JENNINGS 19 27 Grafham Grand Prix - Medium Handicap Fleet View
No Selection January,2015 Chris JENNINGS 18 51 Steve Nicholson Memorial Trophy 2015 - Doublehanded Fleet Final Results View
Handicap January,2015 Chris JENNINGS 17 51 Steve Nicholson Memorial Trophy 2015 - Doublehanded Fleet View
Handicap February,2016 Chris Jennings 16 130 GJW Direct SailJuice 7, Tiger Trophy View
Handicap January,2014 Chris JENNINGS 15 128 Steve Nicholson Memorial Trophy, GJW Direct SailJuice Winter Series - (single and double handers) View

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