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Results for Thomas Makey

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
Cadet January,2001 Thomas Makey 1 41 Nationals - B fleet View
Cadet January,2002 Thomas Makey 3 98 Inlands - Gold and Silver View
Cadet January,2002 Thomas Makey 5 65 Nationals - A fleet View
Cadet January,2000 Thomas Makey 5 36 Nationals - B fleet View
Cadet April,2001 Thomas Makey 11 81 Inlands - Gold and Silver View
420 August,2003 Thomas Makey 11 48 World Qualifier View
420 September,2003 Thomas Makey 23 51 World Qualifier 2 View
420 September,2003 Thomas Makey 26 51 World Qualifier 3 View
Cadet January,2000 Thomas Makey 45 74 Inlands - Gold/Silver fleets View

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