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Results for Sophie Pearson

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
Cadet August,2005 Sophie Pearson 28 88 Nationals View
420 November,2007 Sophie PEARSON 30 50 End of Seasons View
RS Tera October,2018 SOPHIE PEARSON 35 36 RS Tera Sport EOS View
RS Tera August,2018 Sophie Pearson 36 40 RS Tera Sport Worlds Silver View
Cadet April,2004 Sophie Pearson 51 90 Inlands - Gold and Silver View
Cadet August,2004 Sophie Pearson 54 98 Nationals View
RS Tera June,2018 SOPHIE PEARSON 55 56 Sport Nationals @RSTeraSailingUK View

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