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Results for Simon Hopkins

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
LIGHTNING 368 September,2016 Simon Hopkins 1 11 Lightning Nationals View
LIGHTNING 368 May,2014 Simon Hopkins 3 21 Lightning Open View
LIGHTNING 368 September,2012 Simon Hopkins 3 11 Lightning 368 Open Meeting View
LIGHTNING 368 September,2017 Simon Hopkins 4 16 Lightning Nationals View
LIGHTNING 368 September,2014 Simon Hopkins 7 24 Lightning 368 National Championships View
LIGHTNING 368 September,2015 Simon Hopkins 8 20 Lightning Nationals View
Handicap September,2016 Simon HOPKINS 20 33 Battle of Classes @SotonBoatShow View
National 12 November,2008 Simon Hopkins 20 33 Inlands View
National 12 May,2009 SIMON HOPKINS 37 80 National Championhips and Burton Week View
Handicap January,2012 Simon Hopkins 161 256 Bloody Mary Pursuit Race View
No Selection January,2011 Simon Hopkins 161 256 View
Handicap January,2011 Simon Hopkins 175 238 Bloody Mary Pursuit Race View
No Selection January,2012 Simon Hopkins 329 575 sailJuice Global Warmup View
No Selection February,2012 Simon Hopkins 345 610 2012 SailJuice Global Warmup Winter Series View

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