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Results for Sam THOMSON

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
OPTIMIST March,2017 Sam THOMSON 30 138 Optimist Springs @IOCAUK View
OK August,2012 Sam Thomson 28 31 OK British National Championship View
OK October,2011 Sam Thomson 25 27 Open Meeting View
OK September,2012 Sam Thomson 23 27 OK Inland Championships View
OPTIMIST August,2014 Sam Thomson 21 38 Optimist Open - Main Fleet View
RS Tera August,2012 SAM THOMSON 19 40 RS Tera Worlds View
LASER 4.7 July,2018 Sam THOMSON 11 50 Laser 4.7 Nationals View
OPTIMIST August,2014 Sam THOMSON 11 71 Optimist Nationals - Regatta Fleet View
OPTIMIST October,2014 Sam THOMSON 4 45 Optimist End of Seasons - Transition Fleet View

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