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Results for Rory Odell

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
RS200 October,2016 Rory Odell 45 50 RS200 Inlands @RS200Racing View
29ER November,2016 RORY ODELL 46 54 GP @29erUK View
Handicap January,2017 Rory Odell 48 56 Steve Nicholson Memorial Trophy - DH View
OPTIMIST July,2010 Rory ODELL 56 62 Volvo Musto Optimist British National and Open Championship 2010 - Regatta Fleet View
No Selection July,2012 Rory ODELL 56 62 Volvo Musto Optimist British National and Open Championship - Regatta Fleet View
29ER August,2015 Rory Odell 62 93 29er Worlds Bronze View
Single Hander January,2011 Rory Odell 74 77 Steve Nicholson Trophy Single Hander View

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