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Results for Martin WRIGLEY

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
OPTIMIST August,2012 Martin WRIGLEY 1 70 Volvo Gill Optimist British National and Open Championship 2012 - Senior Gold Fleet View
420 August,2019 Martin Wrigley 1 47 420 Nationals @Gbr420Team View
Optimist September,2008 Martin Wrigley 1 126 MRDUJA OPTIMIST KUP 2008. View
Optimist September,2006 Martin Wrigley 1 19 RYA Volve West Zone Championships 26/27 September 2009 View
No selection September,2008 Martin Wrigley 2 19 RYA West Zone Championships 2008 Blithfield SC View
Optimist September,2008 Martin Wrigley 2 19 RYA West Zone Championships 2008 Blithfield SC View
420 September,2014 Martin WRIGLEY 3 37 420 Autumn Championships View
420 September,2014 Martin WRIGLEY 3 37 420 Autumn Championship View
420 August,2015 Martin Wrigley 3 48 420 Nationals View
420 November,2014 Martin WRIGLEY 5 50 420 Autumn Championships View
420 March,2015 Martin WRIGLEY 6 49 420 Inlands View
420 September,2013 Martin WRIGLEY 7 33 CurraDinghy GBR 420 Autumn Championships View
470 April,2021 Martin WRIGLEY 7 29 470 European Championships - Male View
OPTIMIST May,2012 Martin WRIGLEY 8 224 Volvo Gill Optimist Inland Championship View
420 September,2013 Martin WRIGLEY 8 36 CurraDinghy GBR 420 Inland Championships View

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