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Results for Erin Watson

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
RSX April,2018 Erin Watson 1 15 Youth Nationals RSXG View
No Selection September,2014 Erin Watson 2 6 RYA Scotland Youth and Junior Championships - Bic Techno 7.8 View
RSX May,2017 Erin Watson 2 9 RYA Springs - RSX 8.5W View
LASER RADIAL December,2014 Erin Watson 3 7 RYA Scotland Winter Championships 2014 - Bic Techno 7.8 View
Bic Techno 6.8 September,2012 Erin Watson 4 5 Volvo Youth and Junior Championships View
No selection January,2006 Erin Watson 4 5 View
RSX April,2017 Erin Watson 5 18 RYA Youths @RSXCLASS View
RSX November,2017 Erin Watson 7 11 RYA Ranker - RSX 8.5W View
No Selection September,2014 Erin Watson 8 69 National Windsurfing Championship 2014 - Techno Fleet View
Techno October,2014 Erin Watson 9 29 Techno Open View
No selection January,2008 Erin Watson 10 63 View
RSX April,2016 Erin Watson 11 16 RYA Youths Radial RSX View
Techno July,2014 Erin WATSON 28 72 Techno 293 Worlds 2014 - Under 17 Girls View

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