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Results for Eleanor CRANFIELD

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
TOPPER August,2012 Eleanor CRANFIELD 11 17 Topper World Championship 2012 - 4.2m Fleet View
TOPPER August,2012 Eleanor CRANFIELD 11 17 Topper World Championships - 4.2m View
Topper October,2012 Eleanor CRANFIELD 12 26 Sailing Solutions Topper 4.2 National Series 2 2012/13 View
Topper February,2013 Eleanor Cranfield 12 23 SOUTH STAFFS SAILING CLUB View
Topper May,2012 Eleanor Cranfield 13 17 Midlands Topper Traveller #5 - Sutton SC View
Topper June,2012 Eleanor Cranfield 13 28 Midlands Topper Traveller #8 - Carsington SC View
Topper June,2013 Eleanor CRANFIELD 13 53 Sailing Solutions Topper 4.2 Nationals and National Series5 View
Topper June,2013 Eleanor Cranfield 14 16 TOPPER MIDLAND TRAVELLER EVENT - Sat 29 June 2013 View
Topper September,2012 Eleanor Cranfield 14 28 South Shields Topper Open View
Topper July,2012 Eleanor CRANFIELD 16 28 Sailing Solutions Topper 4.2 Nationals and Nationa Series 6 2011/12 View
Topper April,2012 Eleanor Cranfield 16 27 Midlands Topper Traveller #3 - Notts County View
Topper May,2012 Eleanor CRANFIELD 18 35 Sailing Solutions Topper 4.2 National Series 3 2011/12 View
Topper May,2012 Eleanor Cranfield 18 29 Topper Midlands Topper Traveller #6 - Shustoke View
Topper August,2012 Eleanor Cranfield 19 21 Topper Midlands Topper Traveller #9 - Burton View
Topper April,2012 Eleanor Cranfield 21 33 Midlands Topper Traveller #2 View

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